I purchased some really beautiful British roving to work with. This is my first time spinning up wool from here. This type of wool comes from a sheep called Cheviot. It has been really nice to spin. The funny thing about purchasing hand painted or dyed rovings is if the person does not do it right it almost felts the wool and trying to spin from that is really not fun. You would not believe how much science goes into the whole process from sheep to yarn. I could listen for hours to the women back in my spin class in California talk about how they dyed their wool and the process involved depending on what type of dye you use.
Here is a little info about Cheviot. They are so cute I would like a few in my back yard. Just don't tell my husband ok hehehe.
The South Country Cheviot is a white faced hill sheep from the Scottish Borders.
The Cheviot ewe can be found up to 3000 feet and is expected to live off the hill throughout the year.
The ewe has fine hard white hair on her face, over the crown and on her legs which should have a fine, flat quality bone. The fleece should be dense and firm with no kemp or coloured hair. The rams can have horns.
This week my middle son turns 18 and this year my oldest will be 20. I can hardly believe that they have grown up. Part of me has been struggling a little bit getting used to my children being grown even though they are turning into these fabulous adults. When we moved to England my oldest stayed behind to continue attending college. And pretty soon my middle son will be heading off to college as well.
It's been a while since I have blogged about my kids so here is a long over due update on them. Noah has been attending community college and plans to get into the tag program that California has so he can transfer next year up to UC Davis and he is still planning on being an Equine Vet. He has had good grades and is adjusting really well to college life.
Liam is almost graduated from Homeschool he has literally a few weeks left. He got accepted to Oklahoma Wesleyan University and is going for Criminal Justice. His plan is to get a masters and then join the Police Academy he would like to be a detective but then would also like to advance through the ranks. He has dreams he would like to achieve.
Anna just stated 9th grade and we are homeschooling and enjoying it still. I remember when I thought homeschooling high school was something I could never do. And here I am homeschooling these kids through high school and they are doing great. She has not decided what she wants to be yet when she grows up. She loves art and she loves animals so it will be interesting to see what direction she goes in.

I am still adjusting to being here in England. I mean seriously just the other day I was about to tell my husband book me a plane ticket I want to go back to California. Normally I am pretty flexible especially with how my husbands job has had us moving over the years. I think though at this season in my life change is hitting me hard from every direction and really just has me feeling completely out of sorts. Thankfully though as soon as I feel frustrated magically the voice of my friends back in Florida seems to instantly pop into my head. And I remember her laughing and saying in a funny voice "You can't go back to Egypt" While remembering her saying this makes me laugh it also makes me recognise the truth of that statement. I wonder how often we think that in order for us to move forward we need to go back?

I love this bible verse it has been a great encouragement to me in this season of change as well as Jeremiah 29:11. When ever I go through change it makes think about the plan or purpose for my life. I am a list writer, calendar organised planning sort of girl. And sometimes when life throws me a curve ball and doesn't look how I thought it should on paper I get all out of sorts.
Its so good to remember that the plan, the will, the purpose, the destiny for my life is already who I in Christ. It's not a place I will end up at it is the place I am in. The purpose is not so much related to what you do as it is who you are meant to be.
Salt of the earth, city on a hill, lamp not to be hidden kind of life. That's what I am talking about.
so this week I am remembering not to leave off the S from the word plan in Jeremiah 29:11 but that God has planssssss! Not just one plan or direction marked off on my calendar or in my journal but that He has plans and there are a few more yet to come for me I am sure.
My family took full advantage of Shrove Tuesday today and had pancakes. Here in England it is a much participated event. I was raised as a Catholic and attended Catholic school as a child. So of course I really looked forward to the day the Moms showed up to school with their griddles and cooked us giant pancakes. It is so much better than doing math.
Even though I am an evangelical Christian now I do still enjoy traditions and symbolism and I still wanted to share that great feeling with my kids of having your Mom hand you a giant warm pancake with some melted butter and syrup! It just stirs in you a warm gratitude and thankfulness for life. And as a Christian a deep overwhelming gratitude for our Saviour as we near Resurrection Sunday. Who knew some pancakes could do all that right?? You probably want my recipe now.
~Hope you have Blessed week~