Friday, February 5, 2016

A few of my favourite things...

I spent many years living in the drought of Southern California where everything was some shade of dry dirty sandy brown. So can you blame me that it seems everything in my life leans toward the colour of green. Here are some of my favourites right now. Fancy hair plaits, green smoothies, my home spun yarn, and lots of roasted veggies. 

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that's the stuff life is made of!!
~Benjamin Franklin 

Green Smoothie Recipe 
1/2 cup of soaked oats (gluten free)
1 banana 
1 cup of unsweetened almond milk 
1 chopped up apple
1 packet of amazing grass super food
2 handfuls of spinach
1 scoop of protein ( I use Raw Protein)
fill the rest up with cold water 
and blend on high 

*this is vegan and gluten free 


  1. What a pleasure to keep up with you here. You really are a remarkable person, Heather. I'm jealous in the most "righteous" sort of way of your chance to "do" England! ♥

    1. I am just so glad you still follow along with my shenanigans haha its so fun to keep in touch :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Rachel love your blog too!! :) I miss my Sunday hug at church :( ...hope you are well :)

  3. Very pretty and a far cry from dusty, dry hot Southern California. It looks as if you are making a good adjustment. I see your little dog...what did you do with the others? Does your son have them? All of these decisions must have been so difficult, I am happy that it is turning out well.

    ...the yarn is amazing!

    1. Good questions! And yes it has been so difficult making decisions thanks for saying that it's nice to know someone understands. Our boxer we shipped to my Dad in New York which will be good for the both of them my Dad lives alone so they will be good company for each poodle will fly here soon and we aren't sure what to do with Bear traveling makes him sick. We are still very much in the process of figuring this move out. :)

  4. Very pretty and a far cry from dusty, dry hot Southern California. It looks as if you are making a good adjustment. I see your little dog...what did you do with the others? Does your son have them? All of these decisions must have been so difficult, I am happy that it is turning out well.

    ...the yarn is amazing!

  5. Hi Heather,

    I'm excited to see what you discover when everything comes up in the spring! You'll be able to go foraging in the hedgerows and all. You're doing so well with the spinning and creating, too!


    1. The first day here I got stung by nettles and you know I am allergic so my hand swelled up huge...nettle is literally everywhere here and I find that scary haha and its huge the nettle here is different than California much more potent! :O But it's winter and flowers are still blooming the snow drops and daffodils just came up so pretty :)
