Monday, July 10, 2017

Here we go again...

We have moved again! Lots of big changes for our family as we are adjusting to life back in America. Quite a bit has changed since we have last been here. But thankfully all the important things like drip coffee and donuts are still around in America standing the test of time. There are just some things about America that you will always appreciate.  Especially our freedom. So this 4th of July was especially sweet for our family as we got to celebrate it in our own country. We enjoyed a local parade and fireworks just some great small town American fun!! 

We made some big changes in our home as well. We decided to downsize the last several years we have been living in decent sized houses. Well not any more we gave away, donated and purged a ton of our belongings and are braving it out in a 2 bedroom apartment. With the boys away at University we felt it was a good time to start pairing back some. Now our stuff from England has not arrived yet but I have a sinking suspicion we will need to do some more down sizing when it gets here. 
I will say there is something liberating about clearing out all the clutter. And there are some perks to city and apartment living especially as my husband and I get older. 

We are living in New Jersey now, with great access to the city and to our Hillsong Church. Quite funny actually I would have never thought in a million years I would move to Jersey. But hey we are here now and we are actually really loving it. What a beautiful state it is,  tons of green spaces and loads to do. Then of course your just a hop skip and a jump away from the Big Apple!

Can I tell you though moving is not for the faint of heart. Starting all over again, saying goodbye to friends you love and places of comfort. But there is also something energizing about new opportunities.  I found this verse in Acts 2 The Message so encouraging.

I saw God before me for all time.
Nothing can shake me; he's right by my side.
I'm glad from the inside out, estatic;
I've pitched my tent in the land of hope.
I know you'll never dump me in hades;
never even smell the stench of death.
You've got my feet on the life- path 
with your face shining sun-joy all around. 

If I have learned anything in my 42 years of existence its that you can't possibly ever know whats around every corner in this life. Which makes me so thankful that my heart is set on a God who goes before me. Who places hope within me no matter where I arrive. Filled with the Spirit my feet are set on the life path!! So here we are in a new place again, but also here we go! Can't wait to see where God carries us this time...